Fake Job Alert

WorkTantra.com does not approve of or represent any enterprise or recruiter sending fraudulent communique such as fake and/or non-exiting job offers through email, SMS or by calling over phone to illegally collect money and/or personal information.

Some Safety Tips for Job Seekers:

  • Too lucrative job offers must be cross-checked before going for any type of communication with the creator and/or contact person of such content or work offers.
  • It is advised to not disclose any identifying and/or non-work-related personal information until and unless any evidence is found that the employer party is genuine.
  • Be very careful of any job offers which comes from any unsolicited e-mail, SMS or phone call and asks to pay a fee in advance. It might be from fraudsters.
  • Jobseekers should not forget to verify the legitimacy of the employer before engaging with them in any monetary transactions.
  • Know about Employment fraud, Phishing and Spoofing.

Reporting Suspicious Job Offers or Fraud:

If readers and/or job seekers find any suspicious job posting or any misuse of WorkTantra.com site or its brand, it is requested to report immediately by contacting us.